Saturday, February 12, 2011

33 weeks and getting ready

I am now 33 weeks and Kylee could possibly be here in 5-6 weeks. I am getting very excited to meet her and of course see who she looks like (hoping that it is me!!) and seeing Olivia's reaction to her baby sister. My mom came over today and hung the curtains for Kylee's room. She made her a valance, pillow, and bumper pads to match the blanket I am making her. They turned out great and I can't wait to share the finished product. Olivia was too funny today while we were hanging curtains. I heard my mom laughing and looked in and Olivia was in the baby bouncy with a paci. She was so cute and it was hard to tell her that we only use the paci's at night time and the bouncy is for the baby. I know she will be a great big sister but I know it will be an adjustment for her as well.

I have my last 2 week appointment this Tuesday and then I start my weekly appointments. I can't believe it is already time. Dr. Gunn said at my last appointment that everything was looking great and my 3 hour glucose was normal. Thank goodness because it was horrible having to do that test!

I am trying to pack up most of my stuff at school before I leave. I never realized how much I had accumulated over the past 4 years and keep thinking of where I am going to store it. I am sure that Chris will find a place for it. I am excited about being home with the girls next year and I am already thinking of things we can do. We are going to get a mini moonwalk for the back yard to keep our litte monkey busy and to wear  her out. Luckily, Jennie, Heidi and Brooke will be off this summer and we can hang out too. I am very excited to be a stay at home mom and very thankful for Chris!!! We are 3 lucky girls!!!

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