Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Technology challenged!

So, I have been trying to figure out how to attach a slideshow of all of Olivia's pictures and I am having a hard time. I am usually pretty good at figuring this stuff out but not this time. I even asked my good friend Jenni Stehling, who gave me the idea, and still can't get it. So I am giving you an update without pictures for now. Olivia and I have been enjoying are last few weeks together. This week we went to the Ruckus Room which is just a place full of big jumping things. She and Heidi had a great time jumping and of course snacking. We also went to Toddler Time at the library and she is starting to remember the songs and will do the actions with the teacher. Olivia and I are excited to have Chris home for 4 days! He is taking 2 days off to hang out and we have a lot of fun things planned. Friday we have the little gym, Saturday is Heidi's 2nd birthday party, Sunday we swim and Monday we are going to the Aquarium. This will be the first time for Olivia and I think I am the most excited about it!! I go back to work the 16th and I am not ready at all. This summer has gone by way too fast.

I am hoping to figure out what is going on with the slide show and be able to attach our Ruckus room pictures soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did I ever forward you the email with the texting code for buy one get one free aquarium tickets? I'm not sure if it still works, but I'll send it on to you. Have fun!
